Sunday, February 7, 2010

Half Marathon Training - Week 3, Day 1

I really was not looking forward to this run at all. I mapped out a 7 mile route in my neighborhood and off I went. I did my usual run 4 min, walk 1 min intervals as I always do with runs an hour or longer. It was a bit on the chilly side and clouded up quite a bit from this morning.

I felt great the first 45 mins and then things started to get a little more difficult. At 5.5 miles as I was going down the long steep hill, I started feeling blisters forming on the balls of my feet. It's also when I noticed my legs, hips and calves start to hurt as well. I was 1.5 miles from home so I had no choice but to keep going. Every step was becoming more and more painful but I just pushed through. My breathing was great, I wasn't out of breath or even felt tired, it was all physical pain. My body just wasn't doing what the mind wanted it to do.

I did my best to slow my pace down and focus on completing all the running intervals without having to walk once, even going uphill and I succeeded with that. I finished the course with "Heart Attack Hill", a long and steep hill that you climb up and yes, it's usually where my heart rate spikes which is why I gave it that nickname.

After the run, I walked until my heart rate was below 90 bpm then went inside and probably stretched for a good 20-30 mins. It felt good to finish my first 7 mile run.

Workout: 80 mins or 7 miles (whichever is longer)
Weather: 42° F, Mostly Cloudy, Winds 8 mph

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