Jan 12 | Race for the Grasshopper 5K | 33:15 (10:42) | C |
Jan 26 | InYou Indoor Triathlon | Race Report | B |
March 2 | Reedy River 10K | Race Report | B |
March 9 | GHS Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon (My 1st HM) | Race Report | A |
April 13 | 2nd Annual SDS 5K (Cross Country) | 35:10 (11:09) | C |
May 11 | Hoofin’ with HALTER 5K | Spartanburg | B |
June 1 | Middle Tyger YMCA Sprint Triathlon | Duncan | A |
July 7 | You Go Girl Women’s Only Triathlon (Sprint) | Greenville | B |
Aug 11 | Greenville Triathlon (Sprint) | Greenville | A |
Sept 7 | Tour de Paws Charity Ride (28 miles) | Moore | C |
“A” races are my priority races that I’m specifically training for and where I will give it 110% in hopes to set a new PR (personal record). “B” races are to make sure I’m where I need to be in order to do well at my A race and if I happen to PR at one of these, well that’s just a bonus. “C” races are usually charity races I will do strictly for fun and will treat them as any other training workout.