Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tempo Run - Out & Backs

Today's Workout: 4 x 2 min Out & Back

Warm up  - .63 mi - 6:32 (10:28 pace)

Out #1 - 0.2 (10:02 pace)
Back in 1:48 (8:59 pace)

Out #2 - 0.19 (10:24 pace)
Back in 1:54 (9:45 pace)

Out #3 - 0.18 (11:23 pace) - ended up walking for about 20" due to cough attack
Back in 1:49 (10:08 pace)

Out #4 - 0.18 (11:02 pace) - another cough attack, walked about 12-15"
Back in 1:55 (10:21 pace)

Cool down - .69 mi - 9:03 (13:04 pace) - walked for 3 mins, jogged rest of the way

This workout kicked my butt this evening. There is definitely a huge difference in doing these on fresh legs verse tired legs!  My legs felt "heavy" after yesterday's indoor bike workout and I just couldn't keep the coughing under control. I guess the cooler temps (64°), very dry air (34% humidity) and windy (15 mph) conditions was just making it worse. I was going against the wind on the way out and with the wind coming back which of course made it a little easier to run faster on the way back, but I was still finding it tough to run a sub 10 min pace on fatigued legs.

With that said, I will try this same workout again on Thursday after my rest day tomorrow and see if it goes any better than it did today.

Run total = 3.0 miles in 35 mins, 11:41 average pace

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