Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's Trifecta

I'm not sure how this happened, but it did. I guess I was just feeling good today.

Lunch time swim - Warmed up with 4 x 50s which were slow going because the water was cold today, I'm guessing it was 78° or colder than that. I got cold shock when I jumped in so the first 25 yards, I swam without putting my face in the water. Then my 400 TT which was 8:30, not bad and already significant improvement since January when it was above 10 minutes. Then 4 x 75 on TT pace with 20" rest. 200 steady and 100 cool down. Overall it was a great swim but with the water really cold, I felt a little sluggish at times.

Evening brick - 10 miles on the indoor bike at the YMCA which is way harder than riding outdoors. First you're always pedaling and there is no downhills to coast/recover on. I did set it on level 5 and on random mode to simulate hills. I was soaked with sweat by the time I finished in 43:50.

Then I decided to try out the 1/16th mile indoor track in the gym. OMG, it was so hot in there, it had to be close to 90°. It felt like a sauna but I still ran anyways. I could only manage a mile with it being so hot in there and finished in 10:40. I walked lap 4, 8 and 12 and ran the rest.

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