Saturday, April 7, 2012

Swim at Westside Aquatic

Today's Workout

  • 4 x 100m warm up (2:30, 2:28, 2:20, 2:18)

  • 300m of 50m 3-stroke breathing / 50m catch up / 50m swim

  • 200m of 25m corkscrew kick drills / 25m swim

  • 100m at moderate pace (2:19)

  • 4 x 100 at last pace in warm up with 10-20" rest (2:14, 2:16, 2:20, 2:20)

  • 300m bilateral breathing cool down

The water temp was around 80 degrees and to help deal with cold shock during my triathlon (the Middle Tyger YMCA pool is between 76-78 degrees), I decided to just jump in instead of slowly ease into the water as I normally do. It worked, it didn't take nearly as long to get used to the water as it normally takes so progress there.

I felt sluggish during the warm up being I haven't been in the pool in nearly 2 months but after about 200m, it all started coming back to me again.

The 3-stroke breathing was interesting. It felt so awkward to breathe on my left side and I notice I lift my head up further out of the water when breathing to my left so that's definitively something I need to work on more.

Then the corkscrew kicking drill which was extremely awkward at first. You start on your back kicking and then rotate 1/4th turn to kick for a few minutes. It was the breathing that was hardest.

Then 100m at moderate pace which was a slow 2:19 so I must of been getting tired at that point although I didn't feel tired. I think it was more from not getting much pool time in the last 2 months.

Then the 4 x 100s which were swam at a 2:14, 20" rest, 2:16, 15" rest, 2:20, 10" rest, 2:20. I felt stronger/faster the last 200 meters but my watch said differently. I guess I slowed down without realizing it but it had to be my arms getting tired because I felt like I could of swam another 400m at that pace from a stamina standpoint.

Then cool down which felt super easy.

Overall, I'm pretty surprised that I don't loose much time from not hitting the pool during the off-season and know that in just 4-6 weeks, I can get back down to a 2:00 / 100m pace fairly easy if I can get to the pool twice a week.

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