Monday, March 8, 2010

Injured...ITBS. No, wait, 100% fine. What?

If the title of this blog post confuses you, that's how the last 24 hours have felt like for me! I felt great after completing my first 10K. Tired but not that sore but did get a pretty bad blister on the ball of my right foot.

Then there was Sunday morning. Talk about being in pain. My left knee hurt so bad I thought I would be out of training for weeks if not months. I couldn't lift it, bend it or put pressure on it at all. It hurt like hell. A 10 out of 10 on the pain scale. I immediately took 2 Tylenol, iced it for 20 mins then took an espom salt bath. That was like instant relief and the pain went from a 10 to about a 6 in a matter of 2 hours. I then spent the entire day doing IT band stretches every 1-2 hours staying idle as little as possible because that just made it worse.

By Sunday evening, it was feeling pretty good and about a 2 out of 10 on the pain scale. I was walking but still with a limp and running would of been out of the question. I wrapped it up before I went to bed and this morning, woke up 100% pain free. That is the confusing part to me. Just 24 hours ago, I was in excruciating pain and now absolutely zero pain. What?

Yea, I took my dogs for a 3/4 mile walk today and felt so great, I went for 1 mile run that felt even better. No pain whatsoever and my stride and form felt fantastic plus it was 70° and can I not go run in weather like that.

This is great news because I'm planning to run another 5K race this Saturday which I'm super excited about since 5Ks seem so easy now compared to 6 months ago.

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