Thursday, March 18, 2010

5K Personal Best!

This is the days that I absolutely love running! The days when everything just falls into place and you run the best you ever have ran.

I felt pretty much crappy the entire day and running seemed like the last thing I felt like doing. But I made myself go since my last run was on Monday and didn't have much expectations for this run except to finish 3 miles no matter how long it took me.

The weather was perfect, low 60s and mostly cloudy so warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt. The first 1/2 mile, I struggled a little bit but then everything started to feel really good. I started to feel like I had energy and was able to keep a consistent pace the first mile. The second mile was even better and faster than the first! The third mile had that steep hill which I did NOT have to walk up this time. Instead I was able to push through it and continued on running.

This is probably only the third time I have actually been able to run 3.1 miles continuously without taking a single walk break and a personal best. It did come in a training run and not an actual race but that's okay. 3.1 miles is still 3.1 miles no matter if it's in training or a race.

Weather: 64°F Mostly Cloudy, Light winds
Workout: 3 mile run - 31:41 (10:12 pace)

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