Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wk 1 - Sprint Triathlon Training

Monday - Endurance Swim - 40:00
Warm Up: 4 x 50 with 30" rest; Main Sets: 400 TT (8:19 / 2:05 pace); 100 Kick; 4 x 100 at TT pace + 20" rest (2:25). Cool Down: 200 bilateral breathing. Felt really good throughout my swim and couldn't believe how fast the workout went. The bilateral breathing is getting easier as well. Still struggling with flip turns though and often I'm too far from the wall and can't get a descent push off.


Tuesday - Progression Run - 35:00
Warm Up: 5 min walk/easy jog. 10 minutes at easy effort. 10 minutes at easy to moderate effort and the last 10 minutes at moderate to hard effort. This run was hard mainly because of the strong wind gusts that just about stopped me in my tracks. I started out up hill and into the wind so I thought at least on the way back I would be with the wind...wrong! It was one of those swirling winds where it was blowing in every direction.


Wednesday - Easy Bike - 45:00
It was still a bit chilly, high 50s but with the wind, it felt even colder so I opted for the indoor bike trainer instead. Started off with a 10 minute warm up before doing 30 minutes with a few 30" sprints mixed in.


Thursday - Easy Run - 4 miles
Tough run! It's been a long week at work so I was tired before I even started but I was hoping it was mostly mental fatigued and not physical fatigued. I was wrong. A mile into my run, my legs started to feel like bricks and it was all I could do just to put one leg into the other. The downhills and flat sections were okay but I had to walk up every hill.


Friday - Intensity Swim - 40:00
Warm Up: 200 easy. Main Sets: 8 x 50 fast w/ 20" rest; 400 (25 fast / 75 easy). Cool Down: 200 easy.


Saturday - Morning Bike + Evening Run
Rest day.


Sunday - Easter
I actually did run 2 miles with my parent's puppy. She was full of energy and had two speeds...sprint and sniff!

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