Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 12: Half Marathon Training

It's race week!

Monday - Easy Run

Just an easy 3 mile run in the neighborhood. My "easy" pace is getting faster and even the hills are getting easier! Very enjoyable run.


Tuesday - Rest Day

Rest day.


Wednesday - Stretch / Yoga

Staying loose. Did some stretches and yoga.


Thursday - Easy Run

Just an easy 2 mile out & back run. This run was a bit tougher than I thought it would be but then again I was tired from a long day from work. So ready for the half marathon on Saturday though!


Friday - Rest Day

Rest Day. Just some light stretching.


Saturday - Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon!

Woohoo! Finished my first half marathon! - Race Report


Sunday - Rest Day

Woke up really sore but quickly learned that I felt better if I stayed moving so I cleaned the house, did laundry and cleaned out my closets. Used the foam roller about 4 times today!


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