Sunday, March 24, 2013

Recovery Week #2

Second "off" week so I pretty much did whatever I felt like it on whatever day I felt like it. No structure workouts, no goals, just have fun with whatever I was doing.


Monday - Nothing

Well, I was going to swim at lunch but got super busy at work.


Tuesday - Group Ride

This was my first group ride of the season. It was slow paced so my heart rate never got out of zone 1 except for the occasional hill. Rode for 18 miles and averaged around a 12.5 mph pace so not a bad way to start the cycling season.


Wednesday - Nothing

Another day of doing nothing.


Thursday - Nothing

Daytime sleep attacks! I hate when they get so bad I have to leave work early. It just becomes impossible to work through them so I headed home at 2:30 pm. I put on my pajamas and took a nap from 3 pm - 4:30 pm. I felt so much better when I woke up but still ended up skipping my evening run and going to bed at 9:30 pm.


Friday - Lunch Swim

Just a fun lunch time swim. I did mostly 50s and 100s and a lot of 3 and 5-stroke breathing to practice breathing on both my left and right side. Finally starting to feel less awkward.


Saturday - Nothing

Rainy and cold. Didn't do anything.


Sunday - Strength

The weather was still cold and rainy so I opted for a very short 15 min strength workout.


Triathlon training officially kicks off tomorrow. I will be my own coach so we'll see how it goes.


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