Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 7: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Rest Day

After Saturday's indoor triathlon and Sunday's 3 mile run, my body needed to rest!


Tuesday - Intervals

5 min warm up. 1 mile at 9:30 pace with 4 min recovery then 4 x 1/4 mile at 9:20 pace with 2 minute recovery. 5 min cool down. Hit the 1 mile right at 9:29 pace and the averaged 9:09 pace on the quarter miles.


Wednesday - Spin Express Class at the Y. Rest Day

Giving myself this week off from spinning now that the indoor triathlon is over.


Thursday - Group Run

Felt pretty good this evening. I now have a goal before daylight savings time...make it all the way up Hollywood Hill. Right now I can only  make it up about half way.


Friday - Swim. Rest Day

Giving myself this week off from swimming now that the indoor triathlon is over.


Saturday - Rest Day

Wanted to wait for it to warm up but it never did. Missed my window so I ran on Sunday instead.


Sunday - Long Run - 9 miles - 6 miles

Plans called for 9 miles today but I only managed 6.25 instead. When I left my house, it was 41 with very little wind so I dressed for low 40s thinking it would warm up. But about midway through my run, the winds really picked up (15+, gusting to 22+) and I started getting colder instead of warmer. I couldn't get my breathing under control and by the 5th mile, I was walking more than running so I cut my run short instead of suffering through another 3 miles. I'm so ready for spring and warmer temps!


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