Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 9: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Run Intervals

10 min warm up then 5 x 3 minutes at moderate effort with 2 minute recovery. I decided to stop worrying about my pace as it was becoming increasingly stressful to aim to run x minutes for x pace especially with all the hills in my neighborhood. I'm now using the "talk test" to determine my effort level. If I can recite the Pledge of Alliance without pausing, I need to speed up, if I can only get one word out at a time, I need to slow down. If I can say 3-4 words at a time, I'm on target! I did this "talk test" about every 30 seconds and it worked out great. My interval paces ended up being 10:17, 9:44, 9:29, 11:35 and 9:24 so as you can see my pace varied whether I was going down or up hill yet my effort level stayed consistent. Recoveries averaged between a 14-15 min pace so I definitely need to work on jogging more and walking less during these.

Weather: 54°, 4 mph N winds, 50% humidity.


Tuesday - Strength

Did the stairs (6 flights) twice at work on my afternoon break. Then an upper body workout in the evening using the medicine ball and free weights.


Wednesday - Lunch Spin Express

I'm only planning to continue this class through February 27 (the week before the half marathon). I was already hungry (forgot my banana this morning) and tired so I just didn't have the energy to give it my best effort. I took it easy and did my own thing. Then with 15 mins left until class ended, the instructor took everyone in the fitness room for an ab workout. I'm sorry but I go to spin class to spin and if I wanted an ab/fitness workout, I would take a fitness class, so I chose to stay in the spin room and just continue on my own.


Thursday - Group Run

[caption id="attachment_1723" align="alignright" width="210"]Wofford College Campus Wofford College Campus[/caption]

We decided to change it up and run a different route than our usual hilly Converse Heights route so we did 3½ miles in downtown from the YMCA to Wofford College and back. The downside though was a lot of intersections and traffic lights so you had to be extra mindful that drivers could see you. Overall it was a good run even though I started getting tired towards the end.

Weather: 54°, 6 mph SW winds, 47% humidity.


Friday - Lunch Swim or Strength

My dog Kelsey had to go to the vet for a tooth extraction. It was originally scheduled for next Monday but they had a last minute cancellation and she was able to get it done today. With just a 20 minute notice, I pretty much had to rush getting ready and forgot my gym bag so I ended up doing the stairs at work twice (6 flights) on my afternoon break and an upper body workout in the evening.


Saturday - Long Run - 10 miles. Rest Day

Kelsey was in quite of bit of pain Friday night and Saturday which meant a sleepless night for the both of us. I was going to take a nap and then go do my 10 miler but when I woke up an hour later there was 2 inches of snow on the ground and it was still falling hard.


Sunday - Rest Day. Long Run - 10  miles

10 mile run splitsAround 10 am, it finally started warming up and the snow was melting and the roads became clear, so around 2:30 pm I decided to go out for my 10 mile run, only my 2nd 10 mile run ever! It was only 36° so I was expecting it to be a somewhat miserable cold run but once I got out there, it sure didn't even feel close to 36°! It felt more like 50° with the sun out and not a cloud in the sky. I was glad I left my gloves at home since I didn't even need them but I also wish I had worn capris instead of tights and one long-sleeve tee instead of two. I also tried the Simple Hydration water bottle for the first time and I have to say I really like it.

The first 8 miles, I felt pretty good. I kept the pace nice and easy (10-11 min/mile) and walked when I needed to which were mostly up the hills. The last 2 miles were tough both mentally and physically. I really wanted to end my run after 8 miles but I was determined to make it to the 10 mile mark so I just kept going no matter how slow those last two miles were. This will be my longest run before the half in order to avoid injury from even making it to the starting line which has happened twice before. Just 3 more weeks until my first half marathon and so far, so good.

Weather: 36-42°, 10-12 mph NW winds, 27% humidity. (Somehow it didn't feel that cold).


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