Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 8: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Run Intervals

The plan called for 4 x 1/2 mile intervals at moderate effort with 3 minute recovery but since I was on my lunch break and had limited time, three was all I could fit in. But as always I tend to run the first one way too fast then barely have enough energy for the remaining ones. I must do a better job at pacing as this is my weakness when it comes to running.


Tuesday - Rest Day

Rest day.


Wednesday - Lunch Spin Express + Evening easy run

Lunch Spin Express - We had a different instructor this week. Lots of hill intervals which meant a lot of standing. I'm not sure how this is going to translate when outdoor rides start up but I'm thinking about just staying seated for most of them from now on and just doing my own thing.

Evening Easy Run - Since Thursday's forecast was calling for a 75% chance of rain I just turned today into a two-a-day and did my easy run tonight. My goal was simple, start out super easy and aim for negative splits. I was able to finish strong and achieve my goal of negative splits and for the first time in months, my run was actually quite enjoyable.


Thursday - Group Run. Rest Day

Canceled because of rain. So glad I ran yesterday!


Friday - Lunch Swim

Kept it simple and focused solely on technique and drills.


Saturday - Long Run - 7 miles

I originally had plans to sign up and run the Foothills Drifter 6K trail race but when I went to register on Tuesday, the price had increased from $30 to $40. I read and re-read the description over and over wondering where the heck I missed reading about the price increase and never did find anything. Angry about the unexpected price increase, I said forget it, I'll just run at Southside Park/Croft instead. I have hiked at Southside but never have done any trail running there so it felt somewhat adventurous. There were some tricky and muddy sections and with the half marathon coming up, the last thing I wanted to do was twist an ankle or faceplant in the mud so I took it slow and easy and just enjoyed the solitude I had out in the woods. Overall it was a great run/hike and the time flew by so fast. I must get out there more!


Sunday - Rest Day

Entire body is sore today so this rest day is well deserved!

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