Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 10: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Rest Day

After yesterday's 10 mile run, this rest day is well deserved!


Tuesday - Run Intervals

10 min warm up then 5 x 3 minutes at moderate effort with 2 minute recovery. Basically the same workout as last week although a little slower since this time around since it's been only 2 days after my 10 mile run. My interval paces were; 10:32, 10:33, 10:37, 12:14, and 10:36. A bit more even paced despite the hills but still based my effort on the "talk test". I was also able to walk less and jog more during the recovery period.


Wednesday - Lunch Spin Class Lunch Swim

Easy 20 minute swim (850 yards). My legs just were not up for spin class today.


Thursday - Easy Run  Tempo Run

Was super stressed out because my dog Kelsey was sick with diabetes and I had to take her to the animal hospital. So to de-stress, I tend to like running hard so instead of 3-4 miles at easy effort I went for a 2 mile run at moderate effort. The run was tough but I felt so much better once I finished. Mile 1 was 10:15 (slightly uphill) and mile 2 was 9:37 (slightly downhill) which meant I was able to average a 9:55 pace for 2 miles which I was really happy about.


Friday - Strength - Rest Day

Went to go visit Kelsey at the animal hospital. She is not doing very well. I have this huge feeling that this is the end.


Saturday - Rest Day

Rest day.


Sunday - Long Run - 5 miles

We lost our dog Kelsey Friday night. We took her to the animal hospital on Thursday where we learned she was sick from diabetes. But with her autoimmune disorder and liver disease, it was just too much for her to take. It's been a very rough and emotional last few days and as much as I need this run, it was extremely tough.

Maybe I never noticed before just how many people have dogs, but every time I would pass someone walking or running with their dogs, I really had to fight back the tears. Near the end of my run, I just completely broke down emotionally and couldn't fight the tears anymore so I just broke off in a full sprint for as long as I could hold it as if I needed to match my emotional pain with physical pain and push myself to the point of exhaustion.


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