Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 10: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Rest Day

After yesterday's 10 mile run, this rest day is well deserved!


Tuesday - Run Intervals

10 min warm up then 5 x 3 minutes at moderate effort with 2 minute recovery. Basically the same workout as last week although a little slower since this time around since it's been only 2 days after my 10 mile run. My interval paces were; 10:32, 10:33, 10:37, 12:14, and 10:36. A bit more even paced despite the hills but still based my effort on the "talk test". I was also able to walk less and jog more during the recovery period.


Wednesday - Lunch Spin Class Lunch Swim

Easy 20 minute swim (850 yards). My legs just were not up for spin class today.


Thursday - Easy Run  Tempo Run

Was super stressed out because my dog Kelsey was sick with diabetes and I had to take her to the animal hospital. So to de-stress, I tend to like running hard so instead of 3-4 miles at easy effort I went for a 2 mile run at moderate effort. The run was tough but I felt so much better once I finished. Mile 1 was 10:15 (slightly uphill) and mile 2 was 9:37 (slightly downhill) which meant I was able to average a 9:55 pace for 2 miles which I was really happy about.


Friday - Strength - Rest Day

Went to go visit Kelsey at the animal hospital. She is not doing very well. I have this huge feeling that this is the end.


Saturday - Rest Day

Rest day.


Sunday - Long Run - 5 miles

We lost our dog Kelsey Friday night. We took her to the animal hospital on Thursday where we learned she was sick from diabetes. But with her autoimmune disorder and liver disease, it was just too much for her to take. It's been a very rough and emotional last few days and as much as I need this run, it was extremely tough.

Maybe I never noticed before just how many people have dogs, but every time I would pass someone walking or running with their dogs, I really had to fight back the tears. Near the end of my run, I just completely broke down emotionally and couldn't fight the tears anymore so I just broke off in a full sprint for as long as I could hold it as if I needed to match my emotional pain with physical pain and push myself to the point of exhaustion.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 9: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Run Intervals

10 min warm up then 5 x 3 minutes at moderate effort with 2 minute recovery. I decided to stop worrying about my pace as it was becoming increasingly stressful to aim to run x minutes for x pace especially with all the hills in my neighborhood. I'm now using the "talk test" to determine my effort level. If I can recite the Pledge of Alliance without pausing, I need to speed up, if I can only get one word out at a time, I need to slow down. If I can say 3-4 words at a time, I'm on target! I did this "talk test" about every 30 seconds and it worked out great. My interval paces ended up being 10:17, 9:44, 9:29, 11:35 and 9:24 so as you can see my pace varied whether I was going down or up hill yet my effort level stayed consistent. Recoveries averaged between a 14-15 min pace so I definitely need to work on jogging more and walking less during these.

Weather: 54°, 4 mph N winds, 50% humidity.


Tuesday - Strength

Did the stairs (6 flights) twice at work on my afternoon break. Then an upper body workout in the evening using the medicine ball and free weights.


Wednesday - Lunch Spin Express

I'm only planning to continue this class through February 27 (the week before the half marathon). I was already hungry (forgot my banana this morning) and tired so I just didn't have the energy to give it my best effort. I took it easy and did my own thing. Then with 15 mins left until class ended, the instructor took everyone in the fitness room for an ab workout. I'm sorry but I go to spin class to spin and if I wanted an ab/fitness workout, I would take a fitness class, so I chose to stay in the spin room and just continue on my own.


Thursday - Group Run

[caption id="attachment_1723" align="alignright" width="210"]Wofford College Campus Wofford College Campus[/caption]

We decided to change it up and run a different route than our usual hilly Converse Heights route so we did 3½ miles in downtown from the YMCA to Wofford College and back. The downside though was a lot of intersections and traffic lights so you had to be extra mindful that drivers could see you. Overall it was a good run even though I started getting tired towards the end.

Weather: 54°, 6 mph SW winds, 47% humidity.


Friday - Lunch Swim or Strength

My dog Kelsey had to go to the vet for a tooth extraction. It was originally scheduled for next Monday but they had a last minute cancellation and she was able to get it done today. With just a 20 minute notice, I pretty much had to rush getting ready and forgot my gym bag so I ended up doing the stairs at work twice (6 flights) on my afternoon break and an upper body workout in the evening.


Saturday - Long Run - 10 miles. Rest Day

Kelsey was in quite of bit of pain Friday night and Saturday which meant a sleepless night for the both of us. I was going to take a nap and then go do my 10 miler but when I woke up an hour later there was 2 inches of snow on the ground and it was still falling hard.


Sunday - Rest Day. Long Run - 10  miles

10 mile run splitsAround 10 am, it finally started warming up and the snow was melting and the roads became clear, so around 2:30 pm I decided to go out for my 10 mile run, only my 2nd 10 mile run ever! It was only 36° so I was expecting it to be a somewhat miserable cold run but once I got out there, it sure didn't even feel close to 36°! It felt more like 50° with the sun out and not a cloud in the sky. I was glad I left my gloves at home since I didn't even need them but I also wish I had worn capris instead of tights and one long-sleeve tee instead of two. I also tried the Simple Hydration water bottle for the first time and I have to say I really like it.

The first 8 miles, I felt pretty good. I kept the pace nice and easy (10-11 min/mile) and walked when I needed to which were mostly up the hills. The last 2 miles were tough both mentally and physically. I really wanted to end my run after 8 miles but I was determined to make it to the 10 mile mark so I just kept going no matter how slow those last two miles were. This will be my longest run before the half in order to avoid injury from even making it to the starting line which has happened twice before. Just 3 more weeks until my first half marathon and so far, so good.

Weather: 36-42°, 10-12 mph NW winds, 27% humidity. (Somehow it didn't feel that cold).


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Product Review: Simple Hydration Water Bottle

Week 8: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Run Intervals

The plan called for 4 x 1/2 mile intervals at moderate effort with 3 minute recovery but since I was on my lunch break and had limited time, three was all I could fit in. But as always I tend to run the first one way too fast then barely have enough energy for the remaining ones. I must do a better job at pacing as this is my weakness when it comes to running.


Tuesday - Rest Day

Rest day.


Wednesday - Lunch Spin Express + Evening easy run

Lunch Spin Express - We had a different instructor this week. Lots of hill intervals which meant a lot of standing. I'm not sure how this is going to translate when outdoor rides start up but I'm thinking about just staying seated for most of them from now on and just doing my own thing.

Evening Easy Run - Since Thursday's forecast was calling for a 75% chance of rain I just turned today into a two-a-day and did my easy run tonight. My goal was simple, start out super easy and aim for negative splits. I was able to finish strong and achieve my goal of negative splits and for the first time in months, my run was actually quite enjoyable.


Thursday - Group Run. Rest Day

Canceled because of rain. So glad I ran yesterday!


Friday - Lunch Swim

Kept it simple and focused solely on technique and drills.


Saturday - Long Run - 7 miles

I originally had plans to sign up and run the Foothills Drifter 6K trail race but when I went to register on Tuesday, the price had increased from $30 to $40. I read and re-read the description over and over wondering where the heck I missed reading about the price increase and never did find anything. Angry about the unexpected price increase, I said forget it, I'll just run at Southside Park/Croft instead. I have hiked at Southside but never have done any trail running there so it felt somewhat adventurous. There were some tricky and muddy sections and with the half marathon coming up, the last thing I wanted to do was twist an ankle or faceplant in the mud so I took it slow and easy and just enjoyed the solitude I had out in the woods. Overall it was a great run/hike and the time flew by so fast. I must get out there more!


Sunday - Rest Day

Entire body is sore today so this rest day is well deserved!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Product Review: Kiefer Team Backpack

I have had the Kiefer Team Backpack for about a month now and honestly I have to say, I'm not really a fan of it as an every day gym bag or even as a swim bag (which I will explain later) but as a triathlon bag, I absolutely love it! I also think it would make for a great weekend camping bag or overnight bag as well.

The reason why I say this doesn't make for a good swim bag for me is simply because my YMCA provides towels, kickboards, swim buoys (which also happen to be the Kiefer brand) and just about everything I would need for swim drills so all I have to really pack when I go swimming is my swimsuit, swim cap, googles and flip flops which makes this bag too big. But I used this bag for my indoor triathlon a week ago and was quite surprise how it held everything I needed and I'm sure it will come in handy this summer for triathlon racing.

Pockets & Compartments

This bag does have plenty of pockets and compartments which I really like. I hate digging around the bottom of a bag trying to find something. I also prefer backpacks over duffle bags because well duffle bags just don't fit in lockers very well unless you turn them sideways shifting all the contents inside. With this backpack, I found the side pockets very convenient as I could access them while the bag was hanging in the locker. I always hang it on the left side of the locker and use the left side pockets for all my necessities for getting ready to go back to work (comb, brush, hairspray, lotion and makeup). There are three internal pockets which I use one for my flip flops so I didn't have to dig around for those (in my other bag, they always ended up at the bottom) and various other things (socks, hat, visor, etc) for the others. As far as those straps on the front, well I have yet to find a use for them and why they are even there. I think it would of been better if another smaller pocket was added there instead or even bungee cords.


This bag is quite comfortable even when full. The padded straps never dug into my shoulders and it never shifted around when I walked and while the backpack looked quite large on me, it sure didn't feel big.

Price & Quality

This bag is currently on sale for $24.95 at which I feel is a steal at this price. There are similar style bags on the market for a lot more. The quality seemed to be great as well. In my 1 month of putting it through some abuse (such as taking it in and out of a locker) this bag shows no signs of wear and still looks brand new. In fact the pictures shown below were taken after 1 month (or ~20 gym visits) of use.

[gallery columns="3" link="file" ids="1557,1554,1556,1558,1555"]

Product Description (from

Store all your swim gear, wet and dry, in Kiefer's sturdy, standup backpack. Our backpack has all the right pockets and zippers to organize and transport swimwear, training gear, towel, electronics, personal care items, and street clothes.

Features include one large zip 8" x12" wet pocket, three roomy interior pockets to organize gear, and two 7" x 9" zip side pockets with mesh to provide easy access to smaller items. Hold your phone in the side zip pocket with ear phone port. Comfortable padded straps, and easy grip handle let you focus your strength and attention where it belongs - the swimming pool.

We've left plenty of room to add a team logo on the front flap.

Dimensions: 19" tall, 13" wide, and 10" deep.

Colors: Black and Navy.


Full disclosure: While I did receive this bag free of charge, it in no way affected the outcome of this review.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 7: Half Marathon Training

Monday - Rest Day

After Saturday's indoor triathlon and Sunday's 3 mile run, my body needed to rest!


Tuesday - Intervals

5 min warm up. 1 mile at 9:30 pace with 4 min recovery then 4 x 1/4 mile at 9:20 pace with 2 minute recovery. 5 min cool down. Hit the 1 mile right at 9:29 pace and the averaged 9:09 pace on the quarter miles.


Wednesday - Spin Express Class at the Y. Rest Day

Giving myself this week off from spinning now that the indoor triathlon is over.


Thursday - Group Run

Felt pretty good this evening. I now have a goal before daylight savings time...make it all the way up Hollywood Hill. Right now I can only  make it up about half way.


Friday - Swim. Rest Day

Giving myself this week off from swimming now that the indoor triathlon is over.


Saturday - Rest Day

Wanted to wait for it to warm up but it never did. Missed my window so I ran on Sunday instead.


Sunday - Long Run - 9 miles - 6 miles

Plans called for 9 miles today but I only managed 6.25 instead. When I left my house, it was 41 with very little wind so I dressed for low 40s thinking it would warm up. But about midway through my run, the winds really picked up (15+, gusting to 22+) and I started getting colder instead of warmer. I couldn't get my breathing under control and by the 5th mile, I was walking more than running so I cut my run short instead of suffering through another 3 miles. I'm so ready for spring and warmer temps!