Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week of December 10, 2012


25 minute treadmill run. I find running on the treadmill very boring so I'm always looking for different ways to mix up my workout and make it more interesting. Today I decided to do an inverted pyarmid interval workout and to my surprise I really enjoyed it so I may be doing a variation of this for all my treadmill runs.

0:00 - 5:00Warm up3.5 - 4.0
5:01 - 9:00Run5.5
9:01 - 10:00Walk3.5
10:01 - 13:00Run5.6
13:01 - 14:00Walk3.5
15:01 - 17:00Run5.7
17:01 - 18:00Walk3.5
18:01 - 19:00Run5.8
19:01 - 20:00Run5.9
20:01 - 25:00Cool Down3.5 - 2.0



25 minute stationary bike. My legs were very sore (achy) so I decided to make it a rest day and stretch and use the foam roller instead.



Scheduled rest day. Yoga and stretching.



4 mile group run. The smaller hills are definetly getting a lot easier but Hollywood hill is still a tough one to get up without having to walk up some of it. I felt really good on this run and I'm pretty sure it had to do with taking Tuesday and Wednesday off and stretching. I also purchased an Amphipod Xinglet Pocket vest which I tried out for the first time tonight, so far I love it and will write a product review in January.



Scheduled rest day. Yoga and stretching.



6 mile long run. Wow, words can describe this run. I was quite surprised with my pace for this distance especially since I haven't ran 6 miles since April and back then it was over a 12 min/mile pace. I felt great up until halfway through mile 5 and then fatigue settled in big time but I still managed to finish strong even with the last tenth mile being up hill. I used run 3 minute / walk 1 minute intervals. Mile splits = 12:10, 11:51, 11:05, 11:18, 11:13, 10:54.



Rest day. Much needed.

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