Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 1: Indoor Tri & Half Marathon Training

Monday - Treadmill Intervals

After last week's successful treadmill run, decided to incorporate intervals once again into my treadmill run. This time I did 2 x 4 minutes and 2 x 2 minutes with 2 minute recovery in between.

0:00 - 5:00Warm up3.5 - 4.0
5:01 - 9:00Run 4 mins5.9
9:01 - 11:00Walk 2 mins3.5
11:01 - 15:00Run 4 mins6.0
15:01 - 17:00Walk 2 mins3.5
17:01 - 19:00Run 2 mins6.2 - 6.3
19:01 - 21:00Walk 2 mins3.5
21:01 - 23:00Run 2 mins6.3 - 6.4
23:01 - 28:00Cool Down5.5 - 2.5


Tuesday - Indoor Brick

Stationary bike for 20 minutes followed with a 5 min treadmill run. Felt extremely well on the bike, kept the RPM above 90 most of the time and kept it on level 4-5. Then ran on a treadmill for 5 minutes and manage to go just shy of 1/2 mile.


Wednesday - Easy Run

Scheduled rest day. Yoga and stretching. 4 mile easy run. With Thursday evening's forecast calling for an 80% chance of rain and breezy conditions, I decided to just run in my neighborhood tonight instead. I started out way too fast as I usually do when I run alone and with it being dark, it was a bit scary so I'm sure my heart rate was higher than normal. I'm just not a fan of solo night runs but with an 8 am - 5 pm job, evenings are my only option if I want to run longer than 25 minutes. Or hit the treadmill which I may have to do next Thursday since my running buddy won't be there.


Thursday - Rest Day (Yoga)

4 mile group run. Rainy, cold and windy = Rest day. Yoga and stretching. Glad I ran yesterday instead!


Friday - Strength & Core

Strength and core exercises. 5 sets of 10 pushups and 25 crunches.


Saturday - Long Run

6.2 miles. Used run 4 minutes / walk 90 seconds intervals. Felt good until about 5 miles in and then I started noticing a pain in my ankle that would come and go. By the time I was 1/2 mile from home, it got really bad to the point it hurt to run.


Sunday - Rest Day

Woke up and my ankle was really sore but after soaked in epsom salt, it helped a lot. I can at least walk without a limp but  going up and down stairs still hurts.

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