Sunday, April 11, 2010

Race Report: Race for Missions 5K

This was designated as a "fun run" meaning I didn't really care where I finished or about sitting any sort of PR. Heck, I didn't even treat this race serious and wasn't really watching my nutrition or hydration much. It was simply a race to have fun, plus my brother was going to run it with me, which this was his first 5K.

I drove the neighborhood where the race to be held and knew it was probably going to be a very challenging run with all the steep hills and that's about all the preparation I spent going into this race.

It was a somewhat chilly morning but was sort of glad it was on the cool side as I hadn't been able to get many warm weather runs in. At 9am, we were off. The first mile was mostly flat and went up and down short gradual rolling hills. By mile 2, the hills were being felt in my legs and my lungs. Mile 3 was a tough one as was the final uphill to the finish.

However despite this being a "fun run" and not taking this race seriously, I still ended up with a new PR by 14 secs. So what can I say, overall it was a great race and hope to do it again next year!

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