Friday, April 2, 2010

Anniversary Run

Today begins the 2nd year of running for me. This time last year I started with week 1, day 1 of the Couch to 5K program mainly because there was a sign about a 5K run/walk just 1.5 miles from my house. I passed this sign every day and decided to go for it. Yea, I only had 3 weeks but it was a run/walk so I didn't really care where I finished or if I had to walk most of it.

Well I finished that race in 47:30 which is a 15:17 average pace. It's a hard out and back course with a very steep down and up section. The first mile is down hill which makes the last mile all up hill. Today, I decided to do the very same run, although this time it wasn't a race but merely an all out training run...max effort. The weather conditions were almost identical at high 60s and sunny with very little breeze at 10 am. I decided to take on the first mile at a pretty decent pace...not too easy but not too hard either knowing the 2nd half was going to take a lot more energy. First mile, 9:11 which is a really fast mile for me! The 2nd mile was the steep down and up and I ran downhill, walked uphill. Then the dreaded 3rd mile...steep uphill and then gradual uphill the rest of the way. was just as hard as it was a year ago! But I finished in 36:05 (11:36 pace) which is 11 mins faster so it's a really great way to see how far I've come in just 1 year.

Next Saturday, I will be racing in a church sponsored 5K in a neighborhood that is very hilly. It should be interesting if today's efforts will help with that race and I really have just one goal in mind...beat my brother who is not a runner. (His goal is to beat me). So we'll see.

Today's Workout: 5K Simulated Race
Today's Weather: 64-68°F, Sunny, 3mph Breeze

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