Saturday, January 26, 2013

Race Report: InYou Indoor Triathlon


Being an indoor triathlon of only 45 minutes, I figured 6 weeks of training would suffice. I only chose to do 1 swim, 1 spin class and 3 runs per week since I am also training for a half marathon. I chose to do this triathlon in hopes it would force me to add cross-training to my weekly schedule and keep me more consistent week-to-week. It definitely  helped as there were days I wanted to skip the swim or spin class but didn't because I knew I had already signed up for this event.



Didn't really do anything special. I was in the 10 am heat so I went to bed and woke up at my regular time and did my normal Saturday morning routine.



My goal was 20 laps (500 yards) which I knew was doable if I stayed focused on my technique. I made it to 19 laps, just 25 yards from my goal. About 8 minutes in, I was getting really tired and my technique faltered as I started looking up instead of down and getting sloppy with my arms and know it is what cost me those precious 25 yards.



[caption id="attachment_1739" align="alignright" width="144"]In You Indoor Tri - Bike In You Indoor Tri - Bike[/caption]

Bike went exceptionally well. I'm not sure who calibrated the spin bikes but the speed/distance was way off from that of a road bike or even stationary bike. I normally average 12-14 mph on my road bike and 14-16 on a stationary bike but with these "add-on" computers, I averaged around 35 mph! The good thing is, everyone's was calibrated the same way, so we were all speedsters on the bikes today! But I felt good on the bike from the beginning to the end which was my only goal anyway. Those spin classes definitely helped!



[caption id="attachment_1742" align="alignleft" width="144"]In You Indoor Tri - Run In You Indoor Tri - Run[/caption]

My goal was to run 1.5 miles but I only could manage 1.4 miles. I was doing great at 6.2 mph until about 6 mins in and then my calf starting cramping up. I slowed down to 3.8 mph to try to stretch it out. That helped and I picked up the pace again, this time at 6.3 mph to try to make up for that walk break. But about 2.5 minutes later, it started cramping up again and I had to slow down yet again. This happened once more with just 2 minutes left to go, I was so frustrated but was able to get at least another minute of running before the 15 minutes were up.



This was a fun event and very challenging even if it was only 45 minutes! It felt very competitive though, mainly because you are side-by-side 4 to 5 other triathletes no matter how slow or fast you are. There is no passing like you get in outdoor triathlons so no way of knowing how well you're doing and you always feel like you're still in it to win it which just feeds on that competitive nature to keep pushing to go faster and faster. The one thing I didn't like was the age groups for awards. They are too broad with the top 3 in 12 and under, 13-19, 20-40 and 40+. I would of preferred top 2 in 10 year age groups instead which would of given more people a fighting chance.


Official Results:

Swim 10 mins: 19 lengths (475 yards)
Bike 20 mins: 11.8 miles (35.4 mph)
Run 15 mins: 1.4 miles (10:43 pace)

Overall: 44th
Age Group: 8th (20-40F)

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