Friday, November 18, 2011

Lunchtime Runs

I am NOT a morning person. I hate getting up early for anything, especially running which is why I am now somewhat picky on what races I will do. I tend to go for those with later start times, especially in the fall and winter months. So since this was my first job in 3 years where I actually worked on-site 5 days a week and have no telecommuting, I knew that lunch time running would be my best option. So three weeks ago, I started running on my lunch break. At first, it seemed odd and reminded me of gym in school but by the second week I fell in love with it. Now in my third week, I can't imagine not running at lunch, especially once the time changed. Plus it's so rejuvenating to come back to work after a run knowing it's done and I can enjoy my evenings.

If you're thinking about running on your lunch break, the #1 thing to remember is... PLAN AHEAD!

I cannot stress this enough, especially since most places limit you to just a one hour lunch break.


I usually check the weather (at multiple sources because we all know how accurate meteorologist are!) on Sunday night and pack my bag for the entire week. That way I only end up having to lug my gym bag to and from work once a week.


Map out a route and make sure you know it! Nothing is worse then missing a turn or having to stop and wait at more than a few traffic lights causing you to return back to work late. Try with shorter routes first and increase until you find out what distance you can get in comfortably and still have time to clean up/shower and eat! After all, this is your lunch break and you do need to eat!


If you shower in the morning and don't sweat a lot, then you can probably get away without taking a shower post-run. Instead you can use cleansing wipes (moist towelettes, baby wipes, etc). It's what I do because it's faster and saves time and seems to work out well even though I have access to a shower at work.


You need to know what you're going to do about lunch, after all, you need to eat! Pick something close by or bring your lunch and eat it at your desk. Luckily we have a subway right next to our building so that's usually where I tend to go.

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