Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tempo Tuesday

Today's Workout

  • 5 min warmup walk

  • 5 x 4 min at 9:30 - 10:00 pace, 3 min recovery walk

  • 5 min cooldown run/walk

Because it was once again 90 degrees, I decided right from the start I was going to walk the recoveries so I could push it harder on the tempo intervals. The first interval was fairly easy and downhill and I used it to get loosened up before the rolling hills that were too come. The second and third intervals were rolling hills with a net gain up hill and they were by far the toughest intervals. The last two intervals were a little easier as they were downhill but with the heat and humidity my legs were fatiguing fast but still managed to finish strong with negative splits.

  • Total - 45:00 - 3.46 miles - 13:00 avg pace

  • Active - 20:00 - 2.06 miles - 9:42 avg pace

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