Thursday, June 18, 2009

After 11 Weeks of Running

Well, I wish I could tell you I was running for 30 minutes continuously but that’s not the case. In fact, I’m not even running more than 8 minutes continuously. I probably only have myself to blame. I didn’t stick with the program, instead I thought I could do it my own way. I was wrong. I can’t do it my own way. I must stick to a proven plan if I am to succeed.

I only made it to week 5 of the Couch to 5K and was doing quite well until I got to the 8 min runs. Not to mention, I was getting really sick of hearing the same podcast over and over so I gave up on it. Plus I was using my Nike+ but when my sensor died and I had to buy a new one, I couldn’t get the new one to work right. Instead of using my current profile, it started a new one and then when I tried to force it to use my current profile, it just started having sync problems. So what did I do? I went out and bought a Garmin 305 GPS trainer and I have to say, I love it! It tracks much more data than my Nike+ and yes, I will admit, I’m a geek. I love gismos and gadgets and this thing is pretty cool…if you like analyzing data and such.

So where I’m at now with my running? Well, it depends. On a good day, I can run/walk 3 miles and on a bad day, I’m cramping up and ready to stop after a 1.5 miles of running/walking. I’m stuck in a rut. I would love to blame it on the weather…after all, it’s been so freakin’ hot here lately. It’s been in the 90s and the humidity…well I live in the southeast…do I need to say more? So maybe that’s it. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe when the weather gets cooler, I will run better.

Anyway, I’m planning to participate in my third 5K on Saturday, June 27. This one is the Main Squeeze 5K at the Pine Street YMCA in Spartanburg. My goal is to beat my current PR time of 37:23, if I finish under 36 minutes, I will be happy and under 34 minutes, I will be ecstatic.

Update: My dog, Kato got really sick the last day at the beach, June 24. He has an auto immune disorder that came on all of a sudden. He stopped eating and became very tired and week and had to take him to the emergency vet as soon as we got back home. He had to stay in there for 3 days and I have to admit for a week there, he had us all scared and worried if he would pull through but he did and I’m happy to report that he is doing great. So I didn’t get to do the 5K on June 27

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