Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall Racing Schedule

Vacation is over, Labor Day has came and gone and now it's time to plan out my fall/winter racing schedule and come up with new goals. This summer was not a pleasant summer. The heat and humidity along with my idiopathic hypersomnia just got the best of me and training ended up being a second thought more than a priority and I ended up only participating in 1 out of the 4 triathlons I had planned to do. Now with temps hopefully getting cooler, it's time to get out there and moving again.


Sub 30 min 5K - I'm finding this goal so difficult to achieve but I've came close so many times. This is my ultimate goal and I have plenty of chances with a 5K pretty much every other weekend.

Workout every day - My goal is to run 3-4 times per week and do at least 30 mins of cross-training on my off days such as swimming, cycling or yoga. I'm hoping by working out everyday, I can create some sort of consistency and if I miss a day, no big deal as long as I can get back on schedule the very next day.

Racing Schedule:

September 15 - Plaque Busters 5K - This is a race near where my parent's live in Georiga. I decided to start with a fun run/walk just to get an idea of where I'm at. It's my base race to determine what my training paces need to be.

September 29 - Wadsworth Trail 5K - It's on a paved trail but this race is only 1-1/2 miles from my house so I'll be jogging to the race as my warm up and jogging/walking back home as my cool down.

October 13 - iRecycle 5K - One of my favorite 5Ks in Spartanburg although they moved the course from the YMCA to the high school where there is now a huge hill so I doubt it will remain in my favorite races list. It's partly on the Cottonwood trail and partly on neighborhood roads so I really don't know what to expect.

October 27  - Spinx 5K - My "A" race of the fall! Hoping to smash my 5K PR and finally break that sub 30 min barrier. Going to have to start closer to the start line this year so I don't waste precious energy weaving myself through slower runners like I have in year's past.

November 22 - Spartanburg Turkey Day 8K - A fun run that I use as a training run. It's free and allows me to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner guilt free.

December 15 - Jingle Bell 5K Trail Race - It's a trail race and it's a lot of fun and usually my last race of the year.

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