Thursday, May 24, 2012

1 Week to Go Until 1st Tri of 2012

I have 8 days until my first triathlon of 2012 and training has been going as well as it could be considering everything that's been going on in my life right now.

First, there was the ordeal with my dog, Kelsey, who back in 2010 was diagnosed with AIHA (an auto-immune disorder where the body attacks the red blood cells). She was in remission until about 3 weeks ago when she relasped. It came on all of a sudden and her red blood cell count dropped from 41 to 17% in just a few days. After a blood transfusion and 4 days in the pet hospital, I am happy to report she is doing great and is a happy dog again.

But then a few days ago, we learn that our other dog, Kato isn't doing so well. His congestive heart disease is getting worse. He is on medication which seems to be helping for now but we know it's only a matter of time before it will take his life. We're talking months here, not years so it's heartbreaking.

So where is my training right now? Some people may give up and just say forget it and I've wanted to, but I realize that isn't going to change a darn thing. The stress, frustration and anger will still be there so the real question becomes, what am I going to do with it? So I've been using short fast runs (mile repeats) to release anger and low intensity swims and bike rides to release stress.

The running pace has dropped drastically. Last Monday (May 14), I went out and did a fast mile. To my surprise I ran it in 8:42. I didn't wear my Garmin Forerunner 305 so I was certain I had mapped the route out a bit short but after rechecking, that wasn't the case. Thinking it was a fluke, I decided to try 2 x 1 mile repeats on Thursday with a 2 minute recovery walk in-between. This time I ran an 8:40 and 9:05 mile. Then again yesterday (May 23) but increased the recovery to 3 minutes and ran an 8:36 and 8:25 mile. I'm normally a 10:00-10:30 min/mile pace runner and suddenly I'm running sub 9s. Yea, I don't get it and I'm not going to try to understand it, just going to go with it.

On the flip side, my swims and rides have been much slower compared to last year but I've also doubled the distance in both activities so I can't really go based on average speed. Group rides (22-28 miles) have been about the same and averaging right around 13 mph but I've added in an 30 min indoor bike workout and an 1 hour easy ride throughout the week. Swims are probably slower because I'm swimming in colder water (78 compared to 85 degrees) but I swimming 30 mins twice a week rather than 1 hour once a week.

With 8 days left until my first triathlon, I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing but throw in a few transition practices. I'll find out on June 2 on how this all works out for me but honestly I'm not expecting a fast time and like last year, I will be happy if I simply break 2 hours.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ride for Silence

Today was the international Ride of Silence and for the first time I decided to participate this year. If you don't know the Ride of Silence is, it's a short, slow-pace ride to honor and remember those who have been killed or injured while cycling. It's also to raise awareness that we are here and sharing the same roads that you drive on.

Read the article in the Spartanburg Herald Journal.

PHOTOS: JOHN BYRUM / Spartanburg Herald Journal

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tempo Run - Out & Backs

Today's Workout: 4 x 2 min Out & Back

Warm up  - .60 mi - 7:03 (11:41 pace)

Out #1 - 0.2 (9:46 pace)
Back in 1:54 (8:54 pace)

Out #2 - 0.2 (10:07 pace)
Back in 1:59 (9:52 pace)

Out #3 - Didn't even make it 30 secs before experiencing the worst cramp in my calf.

Cool down - .7 mi - walked or should I say limped home.

I knew this evening's workout was going to be very hot so I prepared by drinking lots of water throughout the day and eating a banana at 4:30 pm. When I got home, I drank another 10-12 ounces of water while sitting out on the back porch and then a couple of swigs of gatorade. I waited about 10 mins then headed out the door. I walked for 5 mins before I even hit start on my garmin to begin my warmup jog with seat kicks and high knees to get loosened up.

I felt okay, a little slow going at first but once I got up the first hill, I was fine. I then proceeded to start with my out & backs. I took them a little more slower than usual and felt pretty good on the first two despite being really tired and soaked in sweat. I then proceeded on with the 3rd out and that's when it hit just out of the blue, the worst calf cramp I have ever experienced while running. No warning whatsoever. My legs felt great one second and then a charlie horse cramp the next. I fell to the ground and tried to massage my calf but it seemed like forever until the pain finally subsided. I did my best to stretch it out and then begun the slow walk home knowing I was done for the day.

It's so frustrating when you do everything you can to prepare your body for a workout and it still fails you! I guess I'm going to have to go back to drinking vitamin water revive or gatorade in addition to water during the day. Just like past summers, plain water alone doesn't do much for me when it starts getting hot and humid.