Sunday, June 19, 2011

Race Report: Candlelight 5K

Considering I haven't ran since June 9th and helped my husband for 5+ hours earlier today shoveling and spreading white rock and brick edging to our backyard, I couldn't of asked for a better race. I was so tired when we got done with our landscaping project, that I almost decided against doing this race. But I love night races, mainly because I love evening running and there just isn't many night races to choose from around here. Plus unlike last year, the weather was actually pleasant. Mid to low 70s felt pretty darn cool after weeks in the 90s.

But, I beat last year's time of 37:00 with a time of 32:07 (unofficial) this year so yea, big improvement over last year but it's always better when you know what to expect! But if my unofficial time is correct, this will be my third fastest 5K. Of course I always tend to do better in impromptu races that I really didn't train for. If I keep focusing on my goal to have fun and just enjoy myself out there, then I usually do much better then when I'm being competitive and chasing a PR. Oh and I just about made it up that entire hill without walking. That hill is so freakin' long that you never think it's going to end! Of course once you hit the turnaround and come down it, well that's the fun part!

Oh and how can I forget to mention the issue with the porta-potties...they never got delivered! So, it was quite the nightmare with only 2 bathroooms....the line was a good 45+ mins long!

Mile Splits: 10:12, 10:50, 9:50, 1:16 (7:45)

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