Saturday, December 17, 2011

Race Report: Jingle Bell 5K

Honestly, I really wasn't expecting to do well. I ran the course (actually doubled it so I could get my long run in at the same time) the past two weekends but struggled both times with 12-13 min miles so I thought my chances of a sub 35 minute 5K were slim and decided to just forget about a time goal and just go out there and have fun in the mud (it rained the night before).

The weather was fairly mild for December, overcast and low 50s, perfect running weather! There wasn't that many runners so I could of lined up just about wherever I wanted but decided near the back was where I wanted to be since it forces me to start out slow.

The first two miles of the race, I felt fantastic. My legs felt great, my breathing under control and for the first time, I was perfectly dressed for the weather. Just after the 2 mile mark, my legs starting feeling heavier and heavier and my breathing was becoming more labored. I tried to keep running as long as possible, slowing down and focusing on my breathing but eventually I had to walk. I kept this run/walk thing pretty much until I hit the final quarter mile which happens to be on the road at a slight uphill. It's not steep but you definitely feel it. After running on soft dirt, sand and hay, the hard asphalt made my legs feel like they were bricks. But I was determine to make it up and over that hill because I knew the last tenth of a mile was all downhill. I gave it all I had that last quarter mile and to my surprise I finished just shy of 33 minutes, way better than I expected! W00t, w00t!

I'm still waiting for the official results and pictures to be posted and once they are I will update this post.